Stories and Pictures

By: Marilen Macaraig
God encourages people with sufficient light to make right choices, always providing, when asked, the wisdom to make the right choice and the power to act.” EGW, Messenger of the Lord, p.275.
    One Tuesday night, we have a Bible study in Sister Brenda’s house.  After a while, one of the Barangay officials came in. “Brenda we have an important meeting right now.  Everybody is required to attend. Please go to the Barangay Hall as soon as possible.”  “I can’t come. We are having worship with the two missionaries”, she responded.  While they were still conversing, my partner and I prayed that God will intervene.  Before the man left, he reiterated how important the meeting was and that even the missionaries should attend. When we are about to resume our service, Sister Brenda asked a favor if she could leave for few minutes to ask permission from the Barangay officers.  Again, while waiting for her, we prayed that God’s wisdom and power will prevail.  Brenda came back smiling. We were happy to know that she stood for truth. I told her, “Ate Brenda, we are happy and thankful because you made the right decision.” “Of course I should put God first than other things or people in this world.”
   To all our faith partners, part of our work here involves helping people wrestle with important decisions.  Decisions that will affects their eternal destiny.  Please help us pray for the Guinaang people to yield their will to God.  God bless us all.


BY : Marilen Macaraig

One time, my partner and I went to gather woods in the forest. The terrain is uneven, with slopes and valleys. I brought a jungle knife with me. I was about to go down a slope so what I did was I stuck the knife in the soil so I could have something to hold on while going downhill. Unfortunately, the knife was pulled out. As I was rolling down, I heard a voice from somewhere that told me to hold on which I did with difficulty and grasped on a tree stump. I stopped rolling down. Fortunately, I was able to throw away the bolo knife I was holding that might stab my body.  It was a 25 feet fall. Praise God he took care of me or else I would be having a lot of broken bones or die from my bolo knife.

I remembered that we prayed before we leave. I believe that God sent His angels to protect us. I know that God has a plan for me, He didn’t allowed it to happen because there are still a lot of perishing souls that needs to be ministered here in our project.

Psalm 121:7-8 says, “The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever.”

By: Abegail Tabianan

While i'm praying at night, my partner was already asleep, i heard someone knocking at our door. i just ignored it and continue praying. But after i prayed, someone knocked again so i waked my partner. We go out in the balcony and see who is knocking. My partner said courageously with the guys, "We are already sleeping so please leave us now. You can come back tomorrow if you want to talk with us." But they ignored what we said and after 20 minutes i thought they are already tired of knocking so i prayed again so that they will not go back here anymore. 

It was 1 o’clock in the morning, we are already asleep and the village is very silent when i heard the knocking again. I waked my partner again and we prayed, i feel afraid because it's our first time to experience such thing, knowing that this is not our own place.We noticed that the person outside our house is drunk! They kicked our door and knocked, we ignored it and we pray every time the person do it again and again. The hour passed and by 5 o’clock in the morning, they leave. Whew! I had a little sleep but we praise God for His protection last night..
I know this is just Satan's work to discourage us in our ministry here in our field project. We believe that there are God's sheep in this place that's why Satan is doing his best to frighten us but we will not be discouraged. God is our strength and our help, we will continue to minister!