Monday, June 13, 2011

Guinaang is the latest project of PFM.   Two female single missionaries were assigned in this new project.  They are Abigail Tabianan and Marilen Macaraeg. The place, though located in mountainous area, is already accessible and do not require too much hiking for our female workers.  Jeepneys are available in the place.  Also, it has electricity and cellsites, thus, it makes the communication easier. They can be contacted through cellphones, any time of the day.  Guinaang is one of the 7 sub-tribes in Pasil, Kalinga.  Almost 90% of the people in the place are considering themselves as Roman Catholic but because of their cultural background, (they believe and worship many idols), they are regarded as Cristo-pagan. The first two months (January-February) were spent on house visitation.  They have introduced themselves and befriended the villagers.   Abegail is also helping the medical team from local government, while Marilen is teaching the children in the place. Last April and May, they have conducted a Vacation Bible School in two different places.  More than 100 children graduated in the said program.  This made a great impact in the place and as a result, parents are now close to our two-lady missionary.   After that event, they are always invited in every occasion in the village like wedding, birthdays, burial, and others.   In some part, this helps them in doing their language and culture study.

Abegail is in charge with the singing during their Chronological Bible study
while Marilen teach the lessons to the people.